Confession: When I was a freshman in high school HALF MY LIFE AGO (ugh), Christina Aguilera released the video for "Come On Over". The one where she totally worked some hot pink highlights? Yeah, I was obsessed with that song and that hair. Almost immediately after watching it debut on TRL my best friend and I walked to the mall and bought some Manic Panic at Hot Topic. Yeah. True story. For like 5 minutes I had super rebellious pink highlights. Then they washed out and I had split ends. So.
My inner 14-year-old is obviously intrigued by this hair chalking trend. I've seen a few tutorials on the web, including this one by Forever 21 and it's too simple: spray water on strands to dampen them, use soft pastel chalk to color them, and a flat iron to seal in the look for 1-7 days. You can get the chalk at any art or craft store and of course, the ever-ahead-of-the-game marketing geniuses at Free People have already packaged up some cute ombre sets for $14/palette.
Basically, I'm sold. I think it will be really fun for Coachella / a weekend in Vegas. Plus, it seems a lot less harmful than temporary dye. Maybe I'll even dig up some butterfly clips for old time's sake (OMGJK).