Usually I'm not a fan of sweet things for breakfast, so I was leaning towards Scramble #3 which has asparagus, green onions, red & green peppers, tomatoes, zucchini, feta and avocado. AKA, all of my favorite things (except avocado, not such a fan, probably an east coast thing). But then I saw their Oatmeal Pancakes with roasted pears and marshmallow cream on top and I was sold.

A full size of the oatmeal pancakes, a side of crispy bacon, and two (large) grapefruit mimosas later, I'd had one of the best brunches ever. But it got even better when we learned that the restaurant had just tweeted the link to our Team Tit for Tat fundraising page in support! Nothing beats a restaurant with good food and drinks that actually cares about its customers. Thanks for having us, Beachgrass Cafe!

My lovely coworkers / half of our 3 Day team!