The shortest month of the year was just that: short. The first week of February I gave notice to my job of 3 years. The second week, we were in Sayulita. The third week was my last week at my old job. The fourth week was my first week of the new job AND my last week of a class for my MBA program.
Needless to say, I'm impressed that I got any reading done at all.
But vacation was great for relaxing on the beach or in our hotel and making my way through The Hunger Games Trilogy. I also started two other books while I was there (I get bored if I read one thing for too long --- which is why I never finish anything) and then came back only to put them on hold and tear through a diet book in time to start the diet itself this past weekend.
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins - Since I am just recently getting over the elitist book snobbery that I mistook for taste and intelligence in my post-MFA asshole years, I am only now reading The Hunger Games trilogy. And let me tell you, it has been so long since I have been able to enjoy a story this much without being plagued by irritation around sentence structure, descriptions and flow. Ryan and I ended up watching the first movie on a whim a couple of months ago, neither of us knowing much about it except that it's about a bunch of kids who kill each other. I fell in love with Jennifer Lawrence (again) and we made it about two weeks before we went to see the second movie in theaters. We thoroughly enjoyed them both, so I bought the books on my iPad for vacation. There's probably not a lot I can say that most people don't already know since I'm so late to the game, but the first book was a great read. I love the strong female protagonist, Katniss, as much as I love JLaw and think the casting was just too perfect there. Ryan even tore through the whole trilogy while we were in Mexico, while I only made it through the first book. Still, I was just so impressed with how totally enjoyable it was that I'm well into the second and can't wait to see how it ends.
The Fast Metabolism Diet by Haylie Pomroy - My cousin and his girlfriend recently posted on Facebook that they had each lost a ton of weight doing something called The Fast Metabolism Diet. I was immediately intrigued... Coachella is a mere 37 days away and if there's any motivation to lose weight, it's the dozens of adorable crop tops that come out in anticipation of festival season. So I bought the book and dove in. All of the principles of the diet are things that I learned when I took nutrition in college and a great overview of how the metabolism works. I read the whole thing cover to cover in a couple of days and felt totally motivated and inspired to try it. I started this past Saturday on March 1st, so there will be plenty more to come about my FMD adventures, but I would definitely suggest it as a read to others if only for the science aspect and the recipes - very informative and easy to read breakdowns about the metabolism and all its components.
2014 '50 Books' Progress: 4/50