For the past six months, it's been hard to leave work at lunch time. There's construction going on in our office park, so if you leave at any point during the day, you're basically kissing your parking spot goodbye. But when I was invited to check out Cafe Cantata, a gorgeous little coffee shop and eatery in Del Mar at the Flower Hill Promenade, I decided it was worth the risk.
Not that I ended up having to worry: my friend Diane and I had been trying to find time to get lunch together and when I asked her if she'd like to try Cafe Cantata with me, she offered to drive. As we walked up to the comfy little shop, I immediately fell in love with the space.
This is the perfect coffee shop to work in...

Almost all of the seats were taken over by coffee sippers with their heads buried in their laptops. That, plus what I'm convinced is a lifelong academia circadian rhythm that always results in me wanting to study in the Fall, made me wish for a brief second that I was back in undergrad and could spend my mornings studying at a place like this, addled off caffeine.
I should stress: it was a very brief second. Trust me, being an adult and getting to come here on your paid lunch break is a lot nicer.

We each got a yummy salad and I tried their tomato basil soup as well. I wished I hadn't downed a huge cold brew coffee that morning so that I could try their caffeinated drinks aka The Good Stuff, but I guess that just gives me a reason to go back soon.
And I will. Go back soon, that is. Cafe Cantata has the perfect setting to inspire a creative, productive morning and I look forward to many of those in the months ahead as I roll out some exciting new things with the blog. So if you see me working there, say hi!
Cafe Cantata
2670 Via De La Valle
San Diego, CA 92014
Phone: (858) 925-7297