One of the first events that means it's actually, really, finally summer in San Diego is Opening Day at the Del Mar Racetrack. And one of the signs that this summer has flown by too quickly is that I'm just now getting around to sharing this year's Opening Day pics... and it's only a few days before the season ends.
This was the third year in a row that I've attended Opening Day (check out my recaps from 2013 and 2014!) and needless to say it's a tradition that I hope to keep. The summer fashion, the hats, the thrill of the season's largest crowd... all of it makes for a really fun and really inebriated afternoon.

The only bummer this year was that Ryan couldn't make it because he was in San Francisco. But on a positive note, Bonnie was able to experience the madness for the first time! Bonnie, Jason and I met up with Ryan's parents and I spent the afternoon bouncing back and forth between my seats with his parents and the infield with friends.

Fashion-wise, I ended up scrambling at the last minute to put an outfit together. Ryan's mom Cindy let me borrow one of her hats and I found an open-back navy blue maxi dress on sale at Anthro to go with it. It was a bit heavy in the heat, but the open back made it tolerable.
And not that there's any question, but Opening Day is for sure one event where you plan your outfit around your accessories and not the other way around... it's all about the hat.

If you haven't headed out to Del Mar this year, you have until Labor Day, when summer and the racing season are officially over. Or you know... the racing season at least. See you at the track!