Part of the reason that marathon training seems so daunting to most people (aside from the fact that it, of course, is), is that you can't pause your life to do it. You decide, months, sometimes over a year, in advance that you're going to run this race. You train for four, sometimes five months, prior to the race, and all of this without any guarantee that you'll actually be able to run this thing, that you'll be able to follow through on this huge commitment. Because guess what? Life happens.
So that's my theory. That for a lot of people who say they want to run marathons, and even for the people who mean it, the reason they don't is because of a fear of commitment. There's just too much of a time runway and too many things that can go wrong in that time that people worry they won't be able to follow through on this huge life achievement that they've committed to.
I don't have that fear. Why? Because I've already backed out of two marathons that I registered for in the past and shockingly, the world didn't end. [insert cry laughing emoji here]
But barring any serious injury, I am absolutely not backing out of New York. I am fully aware of what a once in a lifetime opportunity this is. Which is why I am so stressed out about the fact that I effectively stopped training over the past two weeks.
At the end of July I was doing great. I had hit about 90% of my scheduled runs, almost broke triple digits for mileage that month and was feeling pretty good about my training plan and progress overall. Then life, as it's wont to do, happened. Something had to give and it was running.
But instead of dwelling on it, this week I plan to just jump back into my scheduled runs without skipping a beat, stop beating myself up about the past two weeks and take the sore legs and exhaustion as punishment.
Month 3 of training may be off to a pretty worthless start, but it definitely can't end that way!
NYC Marathon Training Week 6: 7/18/16 - 7/24/16
- Ran 4 Days For a Total of 22.34 miles
- Average Pace: 11'17" /mi
- Strength Training: 0x
- Yoga: 0x
NYC Marathon Training Week 7: 7/25/16 - 7/31/16
- July Total Mileage: 95.6 miles
- Ran 4 Days For a Total of 25.52 miles
- Average Pace: 11'46" /mi
- Strength Training: 0x
- Yoga: 0x
NYC Marathon Training Week 8: 8/1/16 - 8/7/16
- Ran 1 Day For a Total of 3.11 miles
- Average Pace: 11'47" /mi
- Strength Training: 0x
- Yoga: 0x
NYC Marathon Training Week 9: 8/8/16 - 8/14/16
- Ran 1 Days For a Total of 5 miles
- Average Pace: 11'41" /mi
- Strength Training: 0x
- Yoga: 0x